Pete and Pam's Site


July 10, 2001

It's been a long time since we updated the website.  Currently we are living in military housing, waiting for the closing date on our house (just a few weeks left...)  Almost everything we own is in storage.  Of course, we packed all the socks that didn't match, just kept a few that did.  Only those un-matchy socks are very sneaky, and suddenly this morning we noticed 5 or 6 of them had somehow crept out of storage in VA and joined us...

For several weeks Pam's Great Uncle Clarence and Cousin Paul took us in.  Quinn had great fun turning Uncle Clarence' buzzy chair on and off, and watching him go up & down in the chair lift.  Uncle Clarence has promised Quinn a ride, one day.  Unfortunately, Quinn was suffering from allergies and woke up almost every night, which was tough on Paul & Uncle Clarence.  Now he is on Zyrtec, and sleeps through the night.

Quinn is walking and talking.  He started out as an "uh oh" baby, saying "Uh, Ohhhhh!" to almost anything, all day long.  He says "Hi" and "Bye" (actually, "Bahhh") and waves.  He sounds like he's saying "what" sometimes.  He points to things and says "Ba" often.  He is full of energy & loves to explore.  Recently we took the train back to VA to get Pete's car, and Quinn walked up and down the entire length.  He was quite put out with Pete when he couldn't keep going past the first passenger car.  Finally he fell asleep, almost at the very end of the train ride - see the Photo Album for pics of the train ride and last weekend.

Quinn misses Cathy very much.  He is adjusting OK to daycare - he is naturally happy and outgoing, which helps.  But Mom & Dad aren't allowed to leave the daycare in the morning until he is ready.  Quinn got to see Cathy & Danielle & Renee this weekend.  He was very excited, and hugged everyone a number of times, especially Cathy.  For those of you who don't know her, Cathy is our dear & wonderful friend who babysat Quinn while Pam was working, and as far as Quinn is concerned Cathy is his other Mommy. 

We have all suffered problems with allergies/all the new plants around here.  Pete and Pam had sinus infections, and Pam's began working its way into her chest.  Hooray for antibiotics and antihistamines...

Quinn had his 1-year-old well baby exam - he was 21 pounds 4 ounces.  He had vaccines for Hib, DTaP, MMR & Polio, and had a reaction, most likely to the MMR.  He had a fever of about 102 the next day, and the injection sites & surrounding area on his right leg (MMR & Polio) were swollen & red.  The redness is gone, but there are still some lumps under the skin.  The nurse says they should be gone within about a month.

Quinn also has 4 molars most of the way in.  Some are still partially covered with gum, which doesn't feel so good.  Quinn is occasionally fussy & has a fever at times.

And that's the news from New Jersey!