Pete and Pam's Site



Quinn is climbing.  Help.

He has been climbing onto things for some time - his reach has just improved drastically.  We got a dining table and a couple of chairs this past weekend, and Quinn was convinced we got them just for him to practice on.  Over the weekend when we had our hands full of boxes to move & unpack, we looked up to see him standing in his high chair - he climbed onto it himself.  This is very impressive, considering the seat is practically above his head.  Tonight he also got down by himself for the very first time.

Quinn is also becoming a little helper baby.  He helped us unload the dishwasher tonight - he took out all the clean silverware & handed it to us.  He likes to do what Mommy & Daddy are doing, and seems more interested in the vacuum cleaner than a lot of his toys.

See the photo album for recent pictures.