Pete and Pam's Site



Yes, we have neglected the diary terribly.  Really, with good reason.

Quinn loves to climb - in the three months since he first climbed out of his crib, he has begun to do it easily, without falling, from any crib.  We don't worry about injury, but we do want Quinn to go back to sleep when he wakes up at night.  I guess knowing he can get out just proved too exciting, because he began visiting Mommy and Daddy and trying to convince them to play multiple times a night.  So Mommy and Daddy got something called a Crib Tent.  This makes a little house just for Quinn out of his crib, and that seems to do the trick.  If he wakes up now, he goes right back to sleep.

For a while, Quinn slept through the night beautifully on his big-boy-bed (a twin bed).  However, he had some problems, and right now he is sleeping in his crib.  It's just as well, since the doctor says Quinn must have dust mite covers and no stuffed animals to try to prevent his recurring ear infections.  If they don't get better, Quinn might have to have tympanostomy tubes (tubes inserted through the eardrum).  At Quinn's age, they must be inserted under general anesthaesia.

Also, Quinn climbs on all the toys at daycare.  He is very strong, and a sure climber.  However, one day his balance was a little off, and he fell backward into the window in front of Mommy's truck, just as she was getting ready to drive off.  When the teachers waved at Mommy to come back, she knew it wasn't good.  In fact, Quinn went to the ER and had two sutures (if you are really curious and not bothered by such things, see the Photo Album for pics).  He slept the rest of the day, and Mommy didn't get any work done because she was waiting for her heart to slow down.

Quinn is saying lots of words now.  He has also learned some things we didn't intend to teach him.  For example, Quinn believes when you drop something you are supposed to say "Oh, sh*t!".  I guess Mommy needs her mouth washed out with soap.  Quinn has also learned that his Microsoft Intellitable is a great hiding place for Mommy's keys.  She won't find them all day, until after work.  Some of the toys at daycare are very good for hiding his socks, too.

Quinn loves shoes.  He tries on Daddy's shoes and Mommy's shoes, and walks in them.  He also tries to put Mommy's shoes on for her in the morning, lifting her foot as though she was a horse. 

Sometimes Quinn feels that Mommy has done something wrong and needs to be told "no".  So he shakes his finger and says "No, no, NO, Mommy!"

There are so many more stories and little things.  All of you should holler at me and make me keep updating this.